miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Dar tumbos


drifter -- sleepwalk
drifter -- sleeptalk
awake to who is following moving
like water
drifting on the wind
a drifter coming in

then I dreamt that I awoke
and all around was asleep

with eyes in the back of my head

awake to who is following,

drifter coming in
never touching down
never leaving ground

a twilight world in which we roam
still we don't belong
drift on

At daybreak we walk

At daybreak we talk

ready to tear up the world


drifter -- sleeptalk
drifter -- sleeptalk
your everywhere is home
yet you never take hold
wanting to live everywhere

not wanting to live anywhere
a twilight world in which you roam
still you won't belong
-- drift on

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